TUCP DBE Directory
The Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP) Directory is a consolidated list of DBE / ACDBE firms that have been certified in the State of Texas. The TUCP DBE Directory is published to help contractors and consultants identify subcontractors and sub-consultants eligible to participate in federally funded contracts towards attaining DBE goals. DBEs / ACDBEs may be searched by business name, description, commodity/work codes, or location.
Visit the TUCP DBE Directory
Go to TUCP DirectoryCCRTA DBE / SBE Directory
CCRTA’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certified firms are listed in this Directory. The CCRTA’s DBE / SBE Directory is published to provide procurement with a list of certified vendors that may have the capability to bid on contracts as a prime contractor or subcontractor.
Visit the CCRTA DBE / SBE Directory
Go to CCRTA Directory